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  • Writer's pictureRonco

Canadian Budget / Election

April 13, 2021

Well its been quite a while since I posted anything. Life has been busy, and I have NOT been inspired to write about anything.

Now that the pool is open and I am just sitting around drinking daiquiris and getting a sun tan…….

But……Justin Trudeau will present a new budget on April 19. The last federal budget was released on March 19, 2019 with a projected deficit of $19.8 Billion. The opposition in Parliament has been pressuring the government to provide Canadians with a budget. What is expected? With a minority government, should the budget be defeated and an election be called? Are you ready for a federal election? Who the hell would you vote for?

The opposition parties could just go along with the budget to avoid the election, but I don’t think that would happen. Too many people have had enough of this Covid nonsense and just want to get on with things.

Who would you vote for? This is today question. Let’s take a quick look at your options.

The Bloq Party (32 seats)

I know nothing about the Bloq Quebec Party. They don’t run candidates outside Quebec. Because of this, I think they should be banned from federal politics. If you don’t run candidates across the country, you are not a national party and should be kick out.

The Green Party (3 seats)

The new leader is Annamie Paul. WHO??? I don’t know much about her and I would guess that most Canadians don’t even know her name. The Green Party will never form government or official opposition – at least in the near future. They might get 2 to 4 seats in the house, which will give them little to no power and will just be an annoying fly on the wall. The government, who ever that will be, will just have to deal with them.

The NDP (24 seats)

Jagmeet Singh is the leader. I like Jagmeet. His is well spoken and seems to be connected to the people. He is just working for the wrong party. The NDP did really well under Jack Layton and Mr. Singh is trying to restore that confidence. But the NDP is the NDP. The national policy is not what this country needs. Look what the NDP did to Alberta. I know there are lots of factors, but it was always spend now, figure out how to pay for it later. Alberta is still paying for it. Raising taxes is not a solution.

The Conservative Party (120 seats)

Erin O’Toole is the newly appointed leader. In his short reign as leader, he has not been impressive. I think I am a conservative, but I am challenged to vote for Erin. He just doesn’t seem like Prime Minister material. Maybe things will change during an election and he will shine. There must have been some quality that the party likes to name him leader. Time will tell.

Then there is:

The Liberal Party (154 seats)

Of course, our beautiful Prime Minster, Justin Trudeau, with his flowing locks is the leader. I must admit that through the past year and a half he has done an OK job in managing the covid crisis – really – who would want that job. I certainly would not want to be in his position. Moving forward, is this the group of people that you want to continue to lead the nation. Based on the alternative, I don’t think there is much choice. You could vote for one of the fringe parties, but that will not resolve anything.

Is this the time to have an election?

Do we just carry on and get through this pandemic and then deal with the government?

What do you think? Who would you vote for?

That’s it for now. Let’s hear what you have to say.

Ronco 😊

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