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  • Writer's pictureRonco

Is Retirement a BAD word?

January 27, 2021

Continuing with the “retirement” theme, I have asked Darin Yuzyk to provide his thoughts. Darin is an expert in this field with over 30 years’ experience.

Retirement – A Bad Word

by Darin Yuzyk

Let’s take a look at the word “retirement.” What does it mean and is it an accurate depiction of what can be the best years of one’s life? My Little Oxford Dictionary defines retirement using the words withdrawal, retreat, recede, seclusion and to go to bed! No wonder pre-retirement jitters drive many to put off the day as long as they can. A better word for the post-work life stage is “liberation.”

It is important to recognize that your life has changed and, so should your spending habits. For many, saving and planning for the future becomes a way of life. But when the future leaves a mere few decades ahead, in addition to possibly leaving money to the next generation or other worthy causes, the time for harvesting the fruits of your labor is upon you. There is no better time to do this than in the “honeymoon” period of retirement, when the physical and financial stars are aligned.

Let’s take a look at time. There’s more of it during the post work period, and yet less. More because your time is your own, but less because it is running out. One thing that saves time, and yet consumes it too, is personal technology. Through the wonders of the internet, I can listen to radio from around the world, and watch video streaming when and how I want. I can arrange travel plans down to the tiniest detail. I can call and see relatives and friends in distant lands. I can put together family videos with music and sound effects just like a professional and I can research any subject at the push of a button.

And, yet! I can spend an entire morning trying to solve a glitch on my laptop. I can consume hours on the phone being directed down every imaginable self-service alternative before being able to speak to an actual human being. And even then, there is no guarantee that I’m through to the right person or that we speak the same “tech-speak” that is needed to explain the problem even before it is solved.

Not only do you have time to do more, but you also have the time to do it better. Gone are the days of flying by the seat of one’s pants as a multi-tasker. In the post work period, you can take your time. It is yours for the taking. Use it well. Even the simplest of activities can bring immense pleasure.

So, if you are suffering from preretirement jitters, fear not. When you hear people in retirement wonder how they found time for a job, they’re not kidding. Not that there is anything wrong with working, but neither is there anything wrong with retirement – except the word itself.


A Big Thank you to Darin for contributing

That’s is for now. Let’s hear what you have to say.

Ronco 😊

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